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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 49, Number 3, November 11 2023 , pages 325-335

Resonance behavior of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composites shells with spinning motion and axial motion
Jia-Qin Xu and Gui-Lin She

    The missile is affected by both spinning and axial motion during its movement, which will have a very adverse impact on the stability and reliability of the missile. This paper regards missiles as cylindrical shell structures with spinning and axial motion. In this article, the forced vibration of carbon nanotube-reinforced composites (CNTRCs) cylindrical shells with spinning motion and axial motion is investigated, in which the clamped-clamped and simply-simply supported boundary conditions are considered. The displacement field is described by the first-order shear theory, and the vibration equation is deduced by using the Euler-Lagrange equation, after dimensionless processing, the dimensionless equation of motion is obtained. The correctness of this paper is verified by comparing with the results of the existing literature, in which the simplysimply supported ends are taken into account. In the end, the effects of different parameters such as spinning velocity, axial velocity, carbon nanotube volume fraction, length thickness ratio and load position on the resonance behavior of cylindrical shells are given. It can be found that these parameters can significantly change the resonance of axially moving and rotating moving CNTRCs cylindrical shells.
Key Words
    axial motion; carbon nanotubes; cylindrical shell; forced vibration; spinning motion
Jia-Qin Xu and Gui-Lin She:College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China

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