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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 4, Number 4, August 2004 , pages 281-301

Lateral-torsional buckling of prismatic and tapered thin-walled open beams: assessing the influence of pre-buckling deflections
A. Andrade and D. Camotim

    The paper begins by presenting a unified variational approach to the lateral-torsional buckling (LTB) analysis of doubly symmetric prismatic and tapered thin-walled beams with open cross-sections, which accounts for the influence of the pre-buckling deflections. This approach (i) extends the kinematical assumptions usually adopted for prismatic beams, (ii) consistently uses shell membrane theory in general coordinates and (iii) adopts Trefftz
Key Words
    lateral-torsional buckling; thin-walled beams; prismatic and web-tapered I-beams; pre-buckling deflections; variational formulation; Rayleigh-Ritz method.
A. Andrade; Department of Civil Engineering, FCT, University of Coimbra, Polo II,rnPinhal de Marrocos, 3030 Coimbra, PortugalrnD. Camotim; Dept. of Civil Engineering, ICIS/IST, Technical University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

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