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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 39, Number 2, April25 2021 , pages 125-134

The effect of multi-phase-lag and Coriolis acceleration on a fiber-reinforced isotropic thermoelastic medium
Amnah M. Alharbi, Samia M. Said and Mohamed I.A. Othman

    The three-phase-lag model, thermoelasticity without energy dissipation (G-N II) theory and thermoelasticity with energy dissipation (G-N III) theory are applied to study the effect of rotation on a fiber-reinforced thermoelastic medium. The exact expressions for the physical quantities were obtained by using the normal mode analysis. The numerical results for the field quantities are given in the physical domain and illustrated graphically in the absence and presence of rotation, Coriolis acceleration as well as reinforcement parameters.
Key Words
    fiber-reinforced; coriolis acceleration; Green-Naghdi theory; thermoelasticity; multi-phase-lag
Amnah M. Alharbi: Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Taif University, P.O. Box 11099, Taif, 21944, Saudi Arabia
Samia M. Said and Mohamed I.A. Othman: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, P.O. Box 44519, Zagazig, Egypt

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