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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 36, Number 4, August25 2020 , pages 399-415

Evaluation of responses of semi-rigid frames at target displacements predicted by the nonlinear static analysis
Vijay Sharma, Mahendra K. Shrimali, Shiv D. Bharti and Tushar K. Datta

    Responses of semi-rigid frames having different degrees of semi-rigidity obtained by the nonlinear static analysis (NSA) are evaluated at specific target displacements by comparing them with those obtained by the nonlinear time-history analysis (NTHA) for scaled earthquakes. The peak ground accelerations (PGA) of the earthquakes are scaled such that the obtained peak top story displacements match with the target displacements. Three different types of earthquakes are considered, namely, far-field and near-field earthquakes with directivity and fling-step effects. In order to make the study a comprehensive one, three degrees of semi-rigidity (one fully rigid and the other two semi-rigid), and two frames having different heights are considered. An ensemble of five-time histories of ground motion is included in each type of earthquake. A large number of responses are considered in the study. They include the peak top-story displacement, maximum inter-story drift ratio, peak base shear, total number of plastic hinges, and square root of sum of the squares (SRSS) of the maximum plastic hinge rotations. Results of the study indicate that the nonlinear static analysis provides a fairly good estimate of the peak values of top-story displacements, inter-story drift ratio (for shorter frame), peak base shear and number of plastic hinges; however, the SRSS of maximum plastic hinge rotations in semi-rigid frames are considerably more in the nonlinear static analysis as compared to the nonlinear time history analysis.
Key Words
    NSA; NTHA; semi-rigid frame; near-field; far-field; seismic performance; target displacement
Vijay Sharma: Department of Civil Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, JLN Marg, Jaipur 302017, India
Mahendra K. Shrimali, Shiv D. Bharti and Tushar K. Datta: National Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur,
JLN Marg Jaipur, 302017, India

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