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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 3, Number 6, December 2003 , pages 451-474

Serviceability design of a cold-formed steel portal frame having semi-rigid joints
J.B.P. Lim and D.A. Nethercot

    Details are given of a cold-formed steel portal framing system that uses simple bolted momentconnections for both the eaves and apex joints. However, such joints function as semi-rigid and, as a result, the design of the proposed system will be dominated by serviceability requirements. While serviceability is a mandatory design requirement, actual deflection limits for portal frames are not prescribed in many of the national standards. In this paper, a review of the design constraints that have an effect on deflection limits is discussed, and rational values appropriate for use with cold-formed steel portal frames are recommended.rnAdopting these deflection limits, it is shown through a design example how a cold-formed steel portal frame having semi-rigid eaves and apex joints can be a feasible alternative to rigid-jointed frames in appropriate circumstances.
Key Words
    cold-formed steel portal frames; deflection limits; finite connection-length; semi-rigid joints; serviceability requirements.
J.B.P. LimrnThe Steel Construction Institute, Silwood Park, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7QN, UKrnD.A. NethercotrnImperial College, London, UK

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