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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 26, Number 5, March10 2018 , pages 649-662

3-D Vibration analysis of FG-MWCNTs/Phenolic sandwich sectorial plates
Vahid Tahouneh

    In this study, based on the three-dimensional theory of elasticity, free vibration characteristics of sandwich sectorial plates with multiwalled carbon nanotube-(MWCNT)-reinforced composite core are considered. Modified Halpin-Tsai equation is used to evaluate the Young's modulus of the MWCNT/epoxy composite samples by the incorporation of an orientation as well as an exponential shape factor in the equation. The exponential shape factor modifies the Halpin-Tsai equation from expressing a straight line to a nonlinear one in the MWCNTs wt% range considered. In this paper, free vibration of thick functionally graded sandwich annular sectorial plates with simply supported radial edges and different circular edge conditions including simply supported-clamped, clamped-clamped, and free-clamped is investigated. A semi-analytical approach composed of twodimensional differential quadrature method and series solution are adopted to solve the equations of motion. The material properties change continuously through the core thickness of the plate, which can vary according to a power-law, exponentially, or any other formulations in this direction. This study serves as a benchmark for assessing the validity of numerical methods or two-dimensional theories used to analysis of laminated sectorial plates.
Key Words
    sandwich sectorial plates; vibration; modified Halpin-Tsai equation; three-dimensional theory of elasticity
Young Researchers and Elite Club, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran.

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