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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 24, Number 1, May20 2017 , pages 23-35

Push-out test on the one end welded corrugated-strip connectors in steel-concrete-steel sandwich structure
Mehdi Yousefi and Mansour Ghalehnovi

    Current form of Corrugated-strip connectors are not popular due to the fact that the two ends of this form need to be welded to steel face plates. To overcome this difficulty, a new system is proposed in this work. In this system, bi-directional corrugated-strip connectors are used in pairs, and only one of their ends is welded to the steel face plates on each side. The other end is embedded in the concrete core. To assemble the system, common welding devices are required, and welding process can be performed in the construction sites. By performing the Push-out test under static loading, the authors experimentally assess the effects of geometric parameters on ductility, failure modes and the ultimate shear strength of the aforesaid connectors. For this purpose, sixteen experimental samples are prepared and investigated. For fifteen of these samples, one end of the shear connectors is welded to steel face plates, and the other end is embedded in the concrete. Another experimental sample is prepared in which both ends are welded to the steel face plates. According to the achieved results, several relations are proposed for predicting the ultimate shear strength and load vs. interlayer slip (load-slip) behavior of corrugated-strip connectors. Moreover, these formulas are compared with those of the well-known codes and standards. Accordingly, it is concluded that the authors' relations are more reliable.
Key Words
    steel-concrete-steel sandwich; corrugated-strip connectors; push-out test; maximum shear strength; load-slip
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

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