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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 21, Number 3, June30 2016 , pages 553-571

Progressive collapse analysis of steel frame structure based on the energy principle
Chang Hong Chen, Yan Fei Zhu, Yao Yao and Ying Huang

    The progressive collapse potential of steel moment framed structures due to abrupt removal of a column is investigated based on the energy principle. Based on the changes of component's internal energy, this paper analyzes structural member's sensitivity to abrupt removal of a column to determine a sub-structure resisting progressive collapse. An energy-based structural damage index is defined to judge whether progressive collapse occurs in a structure. Then, a simplified beam damage model is proposed to analyze the energies absorbed and dissipated by structural beams at large deflections, and a simplified modified plastic hinges model is developed to consider catenary action in beams. In addition, the correlation between bending moment and axial force in a beam during the whole deformation development process is analyzed and modified, which shows good agreement with the experimental results.
Key Words
    progressive collapse; energy; sensitivity; modified plastic hinges model; steel frame
(1) Chang Hong Chen, Yan Fei Zhu, Yao Yao:
School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, 710129 China;
(2) Ying Huang:
School of Civil Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an, 710055 China.

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