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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 2, Number 1, February 2002 , pages 67-84

Composite deck construction for the rehabilitation of motorway bridges
R. Greiner, R. Ofner and NH. Unterweger(Austria)rn

    Traffic decks of steel or composite motorway bridges sometimes provide the opportunity ofrnusing the composite action between an existing steel deck and a reinforced concrete plate (RC plate) in thernprocess of rehabilitation, i.e., to increase the load-carrying capacity of the deck for concentrated traffic loads.rnThe steel decks may be orthotropic decks or also unstiffened steel plates, which during the rehabilitation arernconnected with the RC plate by shear studs, such developing an improved local load distribution by the jointrnbehaviour of the two plate elements. Investigations carried out, both experimentally and numerically, werernperformed in order to quantitatively assess the combined static behaviour and to qualitatively verify thernusability of the structure for dynamic loading. The paper reports on the testing, the numerical simulation asrnwell as the comparison of the results. Conclusions drawn for practical design indicated that the staticrnbehaviour of these structures may be very efficient and can also be analysed numerically. Further, the resultsrngave evidence of a highly robust behaviour under fatigue equivalent cyclic traffic loading.
Key Words
    composite structures; traffic decks; orthotropic steel plates; RC plates; rehabilitation; motorway bridges; steel bridges; composite bridges.
R. Greiner, R. Ofner and H. Unterweger, Institute for Steel, Timber and Shell Structures, Graz University of Technology Lessingstrasse 25/3, A-8010 Graz, Austria

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