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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 2, Number 1, February 2002 , pages 51-66

Perforated shear connectors
Josef Machacek and Jiri Studnicka(Czech Republic)

    Perforated shear connectors currently used in composite steel and concrete structures arerndescribed and evaluated. Modifications of the perforated connector suitable for common use in civil andrnbridge engineering are proposed. The connectors were tested in laboratories of CTU Prague for shear loadrncapacity. Push tests of connectors with 32 mm openings and with 60 mm openings, both in normal andrnlightweight concrete of different strength characteristics and with different transverse reinforcement, wererncarried out. The experimental study also dealt with the connector height and parallel arrangement of twornconnectors and their influence on shear resistance. While extensive tests with static loading were carried out,rnfatigue tests under repeated loading are still in progress. After statistical evaluation of the experimental resultsrnand comparisons with other available data the authors developed reasonable shear resistance formulas for allrnproposed arrangements.
Key Words
    characteristic resistance; composite steel and concrete structure; design resistance; lightweight concrete; perforated shear connector; push test; shear connector; slip; statistical evaluation.
Josef Machacek and Jiri Studnicka, Czech Technical University in Prague, Thakurova 7, 166 29 Czech Republic

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