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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 18, Number 5, May 2015 , pages 1291-1303

A study on different failure criteria to predict damage in glass/polyester composite beams under low velocity impact
Manizheh Aghaei, Mohammad R. Forouzan, Mehdi Nikforouz and Elham Shahabi

    Damage caused by low velocity impact is so dangerous in composites because although in most cases it is not visible to the eye, it can greatly reduce the strength of the composite material. In this paper, damage development in U-section glass/polyester pultruded beams subjected to low velocity impact was considered. Different failure criteria such as Maximum stress, Maximum strain, Hou, Hashin and the combination of Maximum strain criteria for fiber failure and Hou criteria for matrix failure were programmed and implemented in ABAQUS software via a user subroutine VUMAT. A suitable degradation model was also considered for reducing material constants due to damage. Experimental tests, which performed to validate numerical results, showed that Hashin and Hou failure criteria have better accuracy in predicting force-time history than the other three criteria. However, maximum stress and Hashin failure criteria had the best prediction for damage area, in comparison with the other three criteria. Finally in order to compare numerical model with the experimental results in terms of extent of damage, bending test was performed after impact and the behavior of the beam was considered.
Key Words
    failure criteria; damage modes; glass/polyester composite; ABAQUS/Explicit; VUMAT
Department of mechanical engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.

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