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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 17, Number 2, August 2014 , pages i-i

Professor Zonghong Xie

    The demand on using more and more advanced composite materials in engineering applications, especially in aerospace applications, have increased substantially in the past decade in Eastern Asia. There is no doubt that this trend will continue and intensify for the coming decade. This special issue covers contributions from scientists and researchers with their latest work in the fields of modeling, verification and validation of advanced composite structures. The Paper 1 introduces the damage of scarf-repaired composite laminates subject to low-velocity impact. Paper 2 is on the experimental study on fatigue crack propagation of fiber metal laminates. Paper 3 is on the constitutive model coupled with damage for carbon manganese steel in low cycle fatigue. Paper 4 is on the test and modeling of low velocity impact on a foam core composite sandwich panel. Paper 5 is on the shape memory properties of thermally activated SMPs-based composites. Paper 6 is on residual stress in SiC fiber reinforced titanium matrix composites. As the guest editor, I would like to thank the Editorial Board of Journal of Steel and Composite Structures for providing the great opportunity to publish these contributions in this special issue. I also would like to thank in particular the technical editor, Ms. S.M. Kim, and reviewers who have been involved in the peer review process of these papers. Without their efforts and helps, the publication of this issue is surely not possible.
Key Words
School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China.

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