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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 14, Number 5, May 2013 , pages 453-472

Structural behavior of CFRP strengthened concrete-filled steel tubes columns under axial compression loads
Jai Woo Park and Sung Mo Choi

    This paper presents the structural behavior of CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymer) strengthened CFT (concrete-filled steel tubes) columns under axial loads. Circular and square specimens were selected to investigate the retrofitting effects of CFRP sheet on CFT columns. Test parameters are cross section of CFT, D/t (B/t) ratios, and the number of CFRP layers. The load and ductility capacities were evaluated for each specimen. Structural behavior comparisons of circular and rectangular section will be represented in the experimental result discussion section. Finally, ultimate load formula of CFRP strengthened CFT will be proposed to calculate the ultimate strength of CFRP strengthened circular CFT. The prediction values are in good agreement with the test results obtained in this study and in the literature.
Key Words
    concrete-filled steel tubes (CFT); composite column; confinement effect; carbon fiber sheet; FRP
1 Jai Woo Park: Gayoon Construction Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea; 2 Sung Mo Choi: The University of Seoul, Department of Architecture Engineering, Seoul, Korea

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