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Steel and Composite Structures
  Volume 10, Number 5, October 2010 , pages 415-428

Finite element analysis of CFT columns subjected to pure bending moment
H.-T. Hu, F.-C. Su and M. Elchalakani

    Proper material constitutive models for concrete-filled tube (CFT) columns of circular cross section and subjected to pure bending moment are proposed. These material models are implemented into the Abaqus finite element program and verified against experimental data. It has been shown that the steel tube does not provide good confining effect to the concrete core when the CFT columns is subjected to pure bending moment. When the diameter-to-thickness ratio of the CFT columns is small, the behavior of the CFT column is the same as the steel tube without a concrete core.
Key Words
    concrete-filled tube; lateral confining pressure; finite element analysis.
Department of Civil Engineering and Sustainable Environment Research Center,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 701, R.O.C.

School of Architectural, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Victoria University,Footscray Park Campus, Ballarat Road, Vic 8001, Australia

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