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Membrane Water Treatment
  Volume 8, Number 2, March 2017 , pages 149-160

Effects of sodium hydroxide cleaning on polyvinylidene fluoride fouled with humic water
Yoon-sung Jang, JiHyang Kweon, Min-goo Kang, Jungsu Park, Jae Hyun Jung and JunHee Ryu

    This study investigated effects of NaOH cleaning on the intrinsic permeability of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes and flux recoveries and membrane resistances under various conditions encountered during ultrafiltration in water treatment plants. The NaOH cleaning using 10,000 mg/L NaOH led to discoloration of PVDF membranes and had little effect on water flux. The NaOH cleaning was efficient in removing the fouling layer caused by humic water. However, long filtration induced a fouling layer that was not removed easily by NaOH cleaning. The lower temperature during filtration yielded rapid increases in transmembrane pressure and decreases in NaOH cleaning efficiency. The alkaline cleaning of PVDF changed the membrane properties such as the hydrophobicity and morphology. Foulant properties, operational conditions such as temperature, and chemical agents should be considered for cleaning strategies for PVDF applied in water treatment.
Key Words
    NaOH cleaning; PVDF; ultrafiltration; flux recovery; resistance
Yoon-sung Jang and Jungsu Park : Hanwha Eco Institute, 6 Shinsung-dong, Yusung-gu, Taejon 305-345, Republic of Korea
Yoon-sung Jang, JiHyang Kweon, Min-goo Kang, Jae Hyun Jung and JunHee Ryu : Department of Environmental Engineering, Konkuk University, #1 Hwayang-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea

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