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Geomechanics and Engineering
  Volume 37, Number 3, May10 2024 , pages 279-291

 open access

KIGAM Quake: An open platform for seismological data and earthquake research information
Moon-Gyo Lee, Youngchai Kim, Hyung-Ik Cho, Han-Saem Kim, Chang-Guk Sun, Yun-Jeong Seong and Il-Young Che

    The "Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral (KIGAM) Quake" is a web-based open platform developed for publicly serving seismological data from 61 stations operated by KIGAM in Korea. The service provides meta-information related to observatory sites, sensors, and recorders necessary for utilizing the seismological data, as well as mainly observed continuous and strong-motion waveforms. The data is available through both the web and International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) web services (open API), a unified data-providing interface in seismology. The platform aims to strengthen its open nature by offering a signal processing function for strong ground motions that can be controlled by user requests. The processed results can be downloaded in ASCII format, designed to meet the increased demands and accessibility in the earthquake engineering field. The platform also offers earthquake research information produced by KIGAM, such as recent major earthquake source information and academic annual report of earthquakes. Additionally, a site flat file was constructed for the geotechnical characteristics of 61 KIGAM station (KGNET) sites based on direct investigations and estimations.
Key Words
    earthquake research information; engineering strong-motion; FDSN web services; KIGAM Quake; seismological data; site flat file; web-based open platform
Moon-Gyo Lee, Youngchai Kim, Chang-Guk Sun, Yun-Jeong Seong and Il-Young Che: Earthquake Research Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources,
124 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34132, Republic of Korea
Hyung-Ik Cho: Department of Civil Systems Engineering, Andong National University,
1375 Gyeongdong-ro, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 36729, Republic of Korea
Han-Saem Kim: Department of Civil and Energy Engineering, Kyonggi University,
154-42 Gwanggyosan-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon 16227, Republic of Korea

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