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Earthquakes and Structures
  Volume 9, Number 1, July 2015 , pages 257-279

Developing fragility curves and loss functions for masonry infill walls
Donatello Cardone and Giuseppe Perrone

    The primary objective of this study is to summarize results from previous experimental tests on laboratory specimens of RC/steel frames with masonry infills, in order to develop fragility functions that permit the estimation of damage in typical non-structural components of RC frame buildings, as a function of attained peak interstory drift. The secondary objective is to derive loss functions for such non-structural components, which provide information on the probability of experiencing a certain level of monetary loss when a given damage state is attained. Fragility curves and loss function developed in this study can be directly used within the FEMA P-58 framework for the seismic performance assessment of RC frame buildings with masonry infills.
Key Words
    masonry infills; damage states; fragility functions; repair costs; loss functions; FEMA P-58
Donatello Cardone and Giuseppe Perrone: School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Viale Ateneo Lucano 10, 85100 Potenza, Italy

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