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Earthquakes and Structures
  Volume 8, Number 4, April 2015 , pages 843-857

System identification of high-rise buildings using shear-bending model and ARX model: Experimental investigation
Kohei Fujita, Ayumi Ikeda, Minami Shirono and Izuru Takewaki

    System identification is regarded as the most basic technique for structural health monitoring to evaluate structural integrity. Although many system identification techniques extracting mode information (e.g., mode frequency and mode shape) have been proposed so far, it is also desired to identify physical parameters (e.g., stiffness and damping). As for high-rise buildings subjected to long-period ground motions, system identification for evaluating only the shear stiffness based on a shear model does not seem to be an appropriate solution to the system identification problem due to the influence of overall bending response. In this paper, a system identification algorithm using a shear-bending model developed in the previous paper is revised to identify both shear and bending stiffnesses. In this algorithm, an ARX (Auto-Regressive eXogenous) model corresponding to the transfer function for interstory accelerations is applied for identifying physical parameters. For the experimental verification of the proposed system identification framework, vibration tests for a 3-story steel mini-structure are conducted. The test structure is specifically designed to measure horizontal accelerations including both shear and bending responses. In order to obtain reliable results, system identification theories for two different inputs are investigated; (a) base input motion by a modal shaker, (b) unknown forced input on the top floor.
Key Words
    system identification; high-rise building; shear-bending model; ARX model; experiment
Kohei Fujita, Ayumi Ikeda, Minami Shirono and Izuru Takewaki: Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyotodaigaku-Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan

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