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Earthquakes and Structures
  Volume 20, Number 2, February 2021 , pages 201-213

Fragility evaluation of integral abutment bridge including soil structure interaction effects
Sunil J.C., Atop Lego and Anjan Dutta

    Contrast to the conventional jointed bridge design, integral abutment bridges (IABs) offer some marked advantages like reduced maintenance and enhanced service life of the structure due to elimination of joints in the deck and monolithic construction practices. However, the force transfer mechanism during seismic and thermal movements is a topic of interest owing to rigid connection between superstructure and substructure (piers and abutments). This study attempts to model an existing IAB by including the abutment backfill interaction and soil-foundation interaction effects using Winkler foundation assumption to determine its seismic response. Keeping in view the significance of abutment behavior in an IAB, the probability of damage to the abutment is evaluated using fragility function. Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) approach is used in this regard, wherein, nonlinear time history analyses are conducted on the numerical model using a selected suite of ground motions with increasing intensities until damage to abutment. It is concluded from the fragility analysis results that for a MCE level earthquake in the location of integral bridge, the probability of complete damage to the abutment is minimal.
Key Words
    integral abutment bridge; winkler foundation; incremental dynamic analysis; abutment backfill interaction; soil-foundation interaction; fragility analysis
Sunil J.C.:CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Atop Lego:Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam, India

Anjan Dutta:Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam, India

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