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Earthquakes and Structures
  Volume 19, Number 6, December 2020 , pages 485-498

Seismic performance of non-ductile detailing RC frames: An experimental investigation
Banu A. Hidayat, Hsuan-Teh Hu, Fu-Pei Hsiao, Ay Lie Han, Panapa Pita and Yanuar Haryanto

    Non-ductile detailing of Reinforced Concrete (RC) frames may lead to structural failure when the structure is subjected to earthquake response. These designs are generally encountered in older RC frames constructed prior to the introduction of the ductility aspect. The failure observed in the beam–column joints (BCJs) and accompanied by excessive column damage. This work examines the seismic performance and failure mode of non-ductile designed RC columns and exterior BCJs. The design was based on the actual building in Tainan City, Taiwan, that collapsed due to the 2016 Meinong earthquake. Hence, an experimental investigation using cyclic testing was performed on two columns and two BCJ specimens scaled down to 50%. The experiment resulted in a poor response in both specimens. Excessive cracks and their propagation due to the incursion of the lateral loads could be observed close to the top and bottom of the specimens. Joint shear failure appeared in the joints. The ductility of the member was below the desired value of 4. This is the minimum number required to survive an earthquake with a similar magnitude to that of El Centro. The evidence provides an understanding of the seismic failure of poorly detailed RC frame structures.
Key Words
    columns; beam-column joints; quasi-static cyclic test; non-ductile detailing; plastic hinges
Banu A. Hidayat:Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,
No. 1 University Road, Tainan, 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University,
Jalan Prof. Soedarto, Tembalang, Semarang, 50375, Indonesia
Hsuan-Teh Hu: Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,
No. 1 University Road, Tainan, 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)/Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, College of Engineering and Science, National United University,
No. 2, Lien Da, Nan Shih Li, Miaoli, 36063, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Fu-Pei Hsiao:Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,
No. 1 University Road, Tainan, 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)/National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering,
200 Sec. 3, Xinhai Road, Taipei, 10668, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Ay Lie Han:Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University,
Jalan Prof. Soedarto, Tembalang, Semarang, 50375, Indonesia
Panapa Pita :Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,
No. 1 University Road, Tainan, 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Yanuar Haryanto:Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,
No. 1 University Road, Tainan, 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)/Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Jenderal Soedirman University,
Jalan Mayjen. Sungkono KM 5, Blater, Purbalingga, 53371, Indonesia


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