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Earthquakes and Structures
  Volume 19, Number 6, December 2020 , pages 445-457

Seismic and collapse analysis of a UHV transmission tower-line system under cross-fault ground motions
Li Tian, Wenzhe Bi, Juncai Liu, Xu Dong and Aiqiang Xin

    An ultra-high voltage (UHV) transmission system has the advantages of low circuitry loss, high bulk capacity and long-distance transmission capabilities over conventional transmission systems, but it is easier for this system to cross fault rupture zones and become damaged during earthquakes. This paper experimentally and numerically investigates the seismic responses and collapse failure of a UHV transmission tower-line system crossing a fault. A 1:25 reduced-scale model is constructed and tested by using shaking tables to evaluate the influence of the forward-directivity and fling-step effects on the responses of suspension-type towers. Furthermore, the collapse failure tests of the system under specific cross-fault scenarios are carried out. The corresponding finite element (FE) model is established in ABAQUS software and verified based on the Tian-Ma-Qu material model. The results reveal that the seismic responses of the transmission system under the cross-fault scenario are larger than those under the near-fault scenario, and the permanent ground displacements in the fling-step ground motions tend to magnify the seismic responses of the fault-crossing transmission system. The critical collapse peak ground acceleration (PGA), failure mode and weak position determined by the model experiment and numerical simulation are in relatively good agreement. The sequential failure of the members in Segments 4 and 5 leads to the collapse of the entire model, whereas other segments basically remain in the intact state.
Key Words
    UHV transmission system; cross-fault ground motions; shaking table tests; numerical studies; collapse failure
Li Tian, Wenzhe Bi, Juncai Liu, Xu Dong and Aiqiang Xin:School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong Province 250061, China

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