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Earthquakes and Structures
  Volume 18, Number 4, April 2020 , pages 481-492

Bending analysis of softcore and hardcore functionally graded sandwich beams
Lazreg Hadji and Abdelkader Safa

    A New hyperbolic shear deformation theory is developed for the bending analysis of softcore and hardcore functionally graded sandwich beams. This theory satisfies the equilibrium conditions at the top and bottom faces of the sandwich beam and does not require the shear correction factor. The governing equations are derived from the principle of virtual work. Sandwich beams have functionally graded skins and two types of homogenous core (softcore and hardcore). The material properties of functionally graded skins are graded through the thickness according to the power-law distribution. The Navier solution is used to obtain the closed form solutions for simply supported FGM sandwich beams. The accuracy and effectiveness of proposed theory are verified by comparison with previous research. A detailed numerical study is carried out to examine the influence of the deflections, stresses, and sandwich beam type on the bending responses of functionally graded sandwich beams.
Key Words
    FG sandwich beams; bending; stress; hardcore; softcore; navier solution
Lazreg Hadji :Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tiaret, BP 78 Zaaroura, Tiaret,14000, Algeria
Laboratory of Geomatics and Sustainable Development, University of Tiaret, Algeria
Abdelkader Safa:Department of Civil Engineering, Ahmed Zabana University Centre, Relizane (48000), Algeria

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