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Earthquakes and Structures
  Volume 14, Number 6, June 2018 , pages 525-535

Evaluating the accuracy of a new nonlinear reinforced concrete beam-column element comprising joint flexibility
Mehdi Izadpanah and AliReza Habibi

    This study presents a new beam-column model comprising material nonlinearity and joint flexibility to predict the nonlinear response of reinforced concrete structures. The nonlinear behavior of connections has an outstanding role on the nonlinear response of reinforced concrete structures. In presented research, the joint flexibility is considered applying a rotational spring at each end of the member. To derive the moment-rotation behavior of beam-column connections, the relative rotations produced by the relative slip of flexural reinforcement in the joint and the flexural cracking of the beam end are taken into consideration. Furthermore, the considered spread plasticity model, unlike the previous models that have been developed based on the linear moment distribution subjected to lateral loads includes both lateral and gravity load effects, simultaneously. To confirm the accuracy of the proposed methodology, a simply-supported test beam and three reinforced concrete frames are considered. Pushover and nonlinear dynamic analysis of three numerical examples are performed. In these examples the nonlinear behavior of connections and the material nonlinearity using the proposed methodology and also linear flexibility model with different number of elements for each member and fiber based distributed plasticity model with different number of integration points are simulated. Comparing the results of the proposed methodology with those of the aforementioned models describes that suggested model that only uses one element for each member can appropriately estimate the nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete structures.
Key Words
    material nonlinearity; joint flexibility; spread plasticity; lateral load; gravity load
Mehdi Izadpanah: Department of Civil Engineering, Kangavar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kangavar, Iran
AliReza Habibi: Department of Civil Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

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