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Earthquakes and Structures
  Volume 12, Number 1, January 2017 , pages 109-118

Probabilistic seismic performance assessment of self-centering prestressed concrete frames with web friction devices
Long L. Song and Tong Guo

    A novel post-tensioned self-centering (SC) concrete beam-column connection with web friction devices has been proposed for concrete moment-resisting frames. This paper presents a probabilistic performance evaluation procedure to evaluate the performance of the self-centering concrete frame with the proposed post-tensioned beam-column connections. Two performance limit states, i.e., immediate occupancy (IO) and repairable (RE) limit states, are defined based on peak and residual story drift ratios. Statistical analyses of seismic demands revealed that the dispersion of residual drifts is larger than that of peak drifts. Due to self-centering feature of post-tensioning connections, the SC frame was found to have high probabilities to be re-centered under the design basis earthquake (DBE) and maximum considered earthquake (MCE) ground motions. Seismic risk analysis was performed to determine the annual (50-year) probability of exceedance for IO and RE performance limit states, and the results revealed that the design objectives of the SC frame would be met under the proposed performance-based design approach.
Key Words
    self-centering; concrete frame; web friction device; probabilistic seismic performance; seismic fragility
Long L. Song and Tong Guo: Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structures of the Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, P.R. China

Long L. Song: College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210098, P.R. China

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