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Computers and Concrete
  Volume 30, Number 1, July 2022 , pages 9-17

Compressive stress-strain behavior of RFAC after high temperature
Jiongfeng Liang, Liuhaoxiang Wang, Zhibin Ling, Wei Li and Wenrui Yang

    This paper discusses the effect of high temperatures (Ts) on the compressive strength and stress-strain curve of recycled fine aggregate concrete (RFAC), based on the experimental results. A total of 90 prisms (100 mmx100 mmx300 mm) were tested. The results show that the compressive strength and elastic modulus of RFAC specimens decreased significantly with increasing T values. As T increased, the strain corresponding to peak stress decreased first when T<200oC and then increased afterwards. With increasing T values, the stress-strain curves became flat gradually, the peak stress dropped gradually, and ep decreased when T<200oC and increased in the T range of 400-800oC. A stress-strain relations for RFAC exposed to high Ts is proposed, which agree quite well with the test results and may be used to practical applications.
Key Words
    compressive strength; concrete; recycled fine aggregate; stress-strain relationship; temperature
Jiongfeng Liang: Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Structure Engineering, Suzhou, China; State Key Laboratory of Green Building in Western China, Xian University of Architecture & Technology, Xian, China; Faculty of Civil & Architecture Engineering, East China University of Technology, Nanchang, China
Liuhaoxiang Wang: Faculty of Civil & Architecture Engineering, East China University of Technology, Nanchang, China
Zhibin Ling, Wei Li: Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Structure Engineering, Suzhou, China
Wenrui Yang: College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, Zhejiang, China

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