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Computers and Concrete
  Volume 27, Number 3, March 2021 , pages 283-295

A proposal for an approach for meso scale modeling for concrete based on rigid body spring model
Chao Zhao, Zheng Shi and Xingu Zhong

    Existing meso-scale models of concrete need to refine the mesh grids of aggregate and cement mortar, which may greatly reduce the computational efficiency. To overcome this problem, a novel meso-scale modeling strategy, which is based on rigid body spring method and Voronoi diagram, is proposed in this study to establish the meso-scale model of concrete. Firstly, establish numerical aggregate models according to user-defined programs. Circle aggregates are adopted due to their high efficiency in generation and packing process, and the grading of aggregate are determined according to the distribution curve proposed by Full and Thompson; Secondly, extract the centroids of aggregates, and then develop the Voronoi diagram in which aggregate centroids are defined as initial scatters; Finally, establish the rigid body spring model for concrete based on the Voronoi diagram. Aggregates are represented by rigid blocks, and assumed to be unbreakable. Cement mortar is concentrated into the interface between adjacent blocks and represented by two uniform springs. The number of grids is consistent with that of aggregates in specimens, and no mesh-refinement of aggregates and cement mortar is required. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed modeling strategy are firstly identified by comparing the numerical results with the experimental ones, and then the applicability of the proposed strategy with different volume percentage occupied by aggregates is investigated.
Key Words
    concrete; numerical aggregate; meso-scale model; rigid body spring model; Voronoi diagram
Chao Zhao, Zheng Shi and Xingu Zhong: Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Structures for Wind Resistance and Vibration Control & School of Civil Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan Road, Yuhu District, Xiangtan, China

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