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Computers and Concrete
  Volume 23, Number 2, February 2019 , pages 107-119

Degradation mechanisms of concrete subjected to combined environmental and mechanical actions: a review and perspective
Hailong Ye and Nanguo Jin

    In-service reinforced concrete structures are simultaneously subjected to a combination of multi-deterioration environmental actions and mechanical loads. The combination of two or more deteriorative actions in environments can potentially accelerate the degradation and aging of concrete materials and structures. This paper reviews the coupling and synergistic mechanisms among various deteriorative driving forces (e.g. chloride salts- and carbonation-induced reinforcement corrosion, cyclic freeze-thaw action, alkali-silica reaction, and sulfate attack). In addition, the effects of mechanical loads on detrimental environmental factors are discussed, focusing on the transport properties and damage evolution in concrete. Recommendations for advancing current testing methods and predictive modeling on assessing the long-term durability of concrete with consideration of the coupling effects are provided.
Key Words
    concrete; multi-deterioration mechanisms; environmental factors; mechanical loading; durability design
Hailong Ye: Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, SAR China
Nanguo Jin: Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PR China

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