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Computers and Concrete
  Volume 2, Number 3, June 2005 , pages 215-238

Numerical investigation of RC structural walls subjected to cyclic loading
D.M. Cotsovos and M.N. Pavlovic

    This work is based on a nonlinear finite-element model with proven capacity for yieldingrnrealistic predictions of the response of reinforced-concrete structures under static monotonically-increasing loading. In it, the material description relies essentially on the two key properties of triaxiality and brittleness and, thus, is simpler than those of most other material models in use. In this article, the finiteelement program is successfully used in investigating the behaviour of a series of RC walls under static cyclic loading. This type of loading offers a more strenuous test of the validity of the proposed program since cracks continuously form and close during each load cycle. Such a test is considered to be essentialrnbefore attempting to use the program for the analysis of concrete structures under seismic excitation inrnorder to ensure that the solution procedure adopted is numerically stable and can accurately predict thernbehaviour of RC structures under such earthquake-loading conditions. This is achieved through arncomparative study between the numerical predictions obtained presently from the program and availablernexperimental data.
Key Words
    concrete; nonlinear analysis; RC walls; finite elements; cyclic loading.
D. M. Cotsovos; Concept Engineering Consultants, London W3 0RF, UKrnM. N. Pavlovic? Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK

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