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Computers and Concrete
  Volume 19, Number 4, April 2017 , pages 395-404

Experimental study on axial compressive behavior of hybrid FRP confined concrete columns
Li-Juan Li, Lan Zeng, Shun-De Xu and Yong-Chang Guo

    In this paper, the mechanical property of CFRP, BFRP, GFRP and their hybrid FRP was experimentally studied. The elastic modulus and tensile strength of CFRP, BFRP, GFRP and their hybrid FRP were tested. The experimental results showed that the elastic modulus of hybrid FRP agreed well with the theoretical rule of mixture, which means the property of hybrid composites are linear with the volumes of the corresponding components while the tensile strength did not. The bearing capacity, peak strain, stress-strain relationship of circular concrete columns confined by CFRP, BFRP, GFRP and hybrid FRP subjected to axial compression were recorded. And the confinement effect of hybrid FRP on concrete columns was analyzed. The test results showed that the bearing capacity and ductility of concrete columns were efficiently improved through hybrid FRP confinement. A strength model and a stress-strain relationship model of hybrid FRP confined concrete columns were proposed. The proposed stress-strain model was shown to be capable of providing accurate prediction of the axial compressive strength of hybrid FRP confined concrete compared with Teng et al. (2002) model, Karbhari and Gao (1997) model and Miyachi et al. (1999) model. The modified stress-strain model was also suitable for single FRP confinement cases and it was so concise in form and didn\'t have piecewise fitting, which would be easy for use in structural design.
Key Words
    hybrid FRP; confined concrete column; axial compressive test; mechanical behavior; stress-strain model
Li-Juan Li, Lan Zeng, Shun-De Xu and Yong-Chang Guo: School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Panyu District, 510006, Guangzhou, China

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