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Computers and Concrete
  Volume 15, Number 2, February 2015 , pages 279-304

Stochastic finite element based reliability analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) corbels
Mehmet Eren Gulsan, Abdulkadir Cevik and Ahmet Emin Kurtoglu

    In this study, reliability analyses of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) corbels based on stochastic finite element were performed for the first time in literature. Prior to stochastic finite element analysis, an experimental database of 84 sfrc corbels was gathered from literature. These sfrc corbels were modeled by a special finite element program. Results of experimental studies and finite element analysis were compared and found to be very close to each other. Furthermore experimental crack patterns of corbel were compared with finite element crack patterns and were observed to be quite similar. After verification of the finite element models, stochastic finite element analyses were implemented by a specialized finite element module. As a result of stochastic finite element analysis, appropriate probability distribution functions (PDF\'s) were proposed. Finally, coefficient of variation, bias and strength reduction (resistance) factors were proposed for sfrc corbels as a consequence of stochastic based reliability analysis.
Key Words
    steel fiber reinforced concrete corbel; nonlinear finite element analysis; stochastic analysis; reliability analysis; statistical parameters
Mehmet Eren Gulsan and Abdulkadir Cevik: Department of Civil Engineering, Gaziantep University, University Avenue, 27310, Gaziantep, Turkey

Ahmet Emin Kurtoglu: Department of Civil Engineering, Zirve University, K

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