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Advances in Nano Research
  Volume 8, Number 1, January 2020 , pages 69-82

Analysis of porous micro sandwich plate: Free and forced vibration under magneto-electro-elastic loadings
Mehdi Mohammadimehr and Mohammad Meskini

    In this study, the free and forced vibration analysis of micro sandwich plate with porous core layer and magnetoelectric face sheets based on modified couple stress theory and first order shear deformation theory under simply supported boundary conditions is illustrated. It is noted that the core layer is composed from balsa wood and also piezo magneto-electric facesheets are made of BiTiO3-CoFe2O4. Using Hamilton's principle, the equations of motion for micro sandwich plate are obtained. Also, the Navier's method for simply support boundary condition is used to solve these equations. The effects of applied voltage, magnetic field, length to width ratio, thickness of porous to micro plate thickness ratio, type of porous, coefficient of porous on the frequency ratio are investigated. The numerical results indicate that with increasing of the porous coefficient, the non-dimensional frequency increases. Also, with an increase in the electric potential, the non–dimensional frequency decreases, while and with increasing of the magnetic potential is vice versa.
Key Words
    free and forced vibration; electric and magnetic fields; micro sandwich plate; Balsa wood; porous material
Department of Solid Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kashan, P.O. Box 87317-53153, Iran.

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