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Advances in Nano Research
  Volume 2, Number 1, March 2014 , pages 15-22

Quantum computing using applied electric field to quantum dots
A. Meighan, A. Rostami and K. Abbasian

    In recent years, spins of confined carriers in quantum dots are promising candidates for the logical units in quantum computers. In many concepts developed so far, the individual spin q-bits are being manipulated by magnetic fields, which is difficult to achieve. In the current research the recent developments of spin based quantum computing has been reviewed. Then, Single-hole spin in a molecular quantum dots with less energy and more speed has been electrically manipulated and the results have been compared with the magnetic manipulating of the spin.
Key Words
    g-factor; electrical manipulation; spin manipulation; molecular quantum dot; magnetic field; g-tensor
A. Meighan, A. Rostami and K. Abbasian : School of Engineering Emerging-Technologies, University of Tabriz, Tabriz 51666, Iran

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