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Advances in Nano Research
  Volume 16, Number 4, April 2024 , pages 413-426

Free and forced vibration analysis of FG-CNTRC viscoelastic plate using highshear deformation theory
Mehmet Bugra Özbey, Yavuz Cetin Cuma, İbrahim Ozgur Deneme and Faruk Firat Calim

    This paper investigates the dynamic behavior of a simply supported viscoelastic plate made of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite under dynamic loading. Carbon nanotubes are distributed in 5 different shapes: U, V, A, O and X, depending on the shape they form through the thickness of the plate. The displacement fields are derived in the Laplace domain using a higher-order shear deformation theory. Equations of motion are obtained through the application of the energy method and Hamilton's principle. The resulting equations of motion are solved using Navier's method. Transforming the Laplace domain displacements into the time domain involves Durbin's modified inverse Laplace transform. To validate the accuracy of the developed algorithm, a free vibration analysis is conducted for simply supported plate made of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite and compared against existing literature. Subsequently, a parametric forced vibration analysis considers the influence of various parameters: volume fractions of carbon nanotubes, their distributions, and ratios of instantaneous value to retardation time in the relaxation function, using a linear standard viscoelastic model. In the forced vibration analysis, the dynamic distributed load applied to functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite viscoelastic plate is obtained in terms of double trigonometric series. The study culminates in an examination of maximum displacement, exploring the effects of different carbon nanotube distributions, volume fractions, and ratios of instantaneous value to retardation times in the relaxation function on the amplitudes of maximum displacements.
Key Words
    carbon nanotube reinforced composite (CNTRC); forced vibration analysis; higher-order shear deformation theory; Laplace transform; linear standard viscoelastic model; plate
Mehmet Bugra Özbey, Yavuz Cetin Cuma and Faruk Firat Calim: Department of Civil Engineering, Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University, Adana, Türkiye

İbrahim Ozgur Deneme: Department of Civil Engineering, Aksaray University, Aksaray, Türkiye


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