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Advances in Nano Research
  Volume 14, Number 6, June 2023 , pages 527-539

Evaluation of combat calorie consumption based on GoBe2 nanosensor
Shuo Guan and Benxu Zou

    Measuring energy burn during intensive combat sport has been a challenging concerns for a long time. In the present article, the energy consumption during combat sports is measured by use of wearable GoBe2 equipped with nano-technology measuring devices. In this regard, 12 professional combat athletes were asked to wear GoBe2 devices during different sessions of intensive combat exercises. The curves provided by GoBe2 nano-sensor devices are further collected and analyzed for different combat durations. On the other hand, energy consumption in these athlete is calculated using other validated methods to evaluate reliability of GoBe2 wearable devices. Based on the results obtained from these experiments a multi-parameter mathematical model is presented for estimation of combat calorie consumptions. The results show that nanotechnology in these type of sensors could help in estimation of calorie consumption during combat. Moreover, the reliability of using wearable GoBe2 sensors are satisfactory except for some specific conditions. The mathematical model provides a satisfactory results based on athlete physical condition and also duration of the combat with about 8% error margin in the results.
Key Words
    artificial intelligence; combat calorie; energy consumption; fatigue; nanosensors
Shuo Guan and Benxu Zou: Wushu and Dance Department, Shenyang Sport University, Shenyang 110102, Liaoning, China


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