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Advances in Materials Research
  Volume 3, Number 3, October 2014 , pages 163-174

Effects of loading conditions on the fatigue failure characteristics in a polycarbonate
Mitsuhiro Okayasu, Kei Yano and Tetsuro Shiraishi

    In this study, fatigue properties and crack growth characteristics of a polycarbonate (PC) were examined during cyclic loading at various mean stress (amp) and stress amplitude (mean) conditions. Different S vs. N and da/dN vs. K relations were obtained depending on the loading condition. The higher fatigue strength and the higher resistance of crack growth are seen for the PC samples cyclically loaded at the higher mean stress and lower stress amplitude due to the low crack driving force. Non-linear S – N relationship was detected in the examination of the fatigue properties with changing the mean stress. This is attributed to the different crack growth rate (longer fatigue life): the sample loaded at the high mean stress with lower stress amplitude. Even if the higher stress amplitude, the low fatigue properties are obtained for the sample loaded at the higher mean stress. This was due to the accumulated strain energy to the sample, where severe plastic deformation occurs instead of crack growth (plasticity-induced crack closure). Shear bands and discontinuous crack growth band (DGB) are observed clearly on the fracture surfaces of the sample cyclically loaded at the high stress amplitude, where the lower the mean, the narrower the shear band and DGB. On the other hand, final fracture occurred instantly immediately after the short crack growth occurs in the PC sample loaded at the high mean with the low amp, i.e., tear fracture, in which the shear bands and DGB are not seen clearly.
Key Words
    polycarbonate; Loading condition; Fatigue strength; Crack growth rate;Failure characteristic
Mitsuhiro Okayasu, Kei Yano and Tetsuro Shiraishi: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ehime University 3 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, Ehime, 790-8577, Japan

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