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Advances in Materials Research
  Volume 2, Number 3, October 2013 , pages 173-180

Structural, FTIR and ac conductivity studies of NaMeO3 (Me= Nb, Ta) ceramics
Sumit K. Roy, S.N. Singh, K. Kumar and K. Prasad

    Lead-free complex perovskite ceramics NaMeO3 (Me = Nb, Ta) were synthesized using conventional solid state reaction technique and characterized by structural, FTIR and electrical (dielectric and ac conductivity) studies. The crystal symmetry, space group and unit cell dimensions were determined from the experimental results using FullProf software. XRD analysis of the compound indicated the formation of single-phase orthorhombic structure with the space group Pmmm (47). Dielectric studies showed the diffuse phase transition at 394C for NaNbO3 and 430C for NaTaO3. Ac conductivity in both the compounds follows Jonscher‟s power law.
Key Words
    NaNbO3; NaTaO3; perovskite; dielectric properties; lead-free; electroceramic
Sumit K. Roy: Department of Physics, St. Xavier\'s College, Ranchi – 834 001, India
S.N. Singh: University Department of Physics, Ranchi University, Ranchi – 834 008, India
K. Kumar: Refractory Division, RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi – 834 002, India
K. Prasad: University Department of Physics, T. M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur – 812 007, India

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