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Advances in Environmental Research
  Volume 3, Number 3, September 2014 , pages 253-281

Impact of standard construction specification on thermal comfort in UK dwellings
Joseph Amoako-Attah and Ali B-Jahromi

    The quest for enhanced thermal comfort for dwellings encompasses the holistic utilization of improved building fabric, impact of weather variation and amongst passive cooling design consideration the provision of appropriate ventilation and shading strategy. Whilst thermal comfort is prime to dwellings considerations, limited research has been done in this area with the attention focused mostly on non-dwellings. This paper examines the current and future thermal comfort implications of four different standard construction specifications which show a progressive increase in thermal mass and airtightness and is underpinned by the newly developed CIBSE adaptive thermal comfort method for assessing the risk of overheating in naturally ventilated dwellings. Interactive investigation on the impact of building fabric variation, natural ventilation scenarios, external shading and varying occupants
Key Words
    buildings; thermal comfort; CIBSE overheating criteria; future weather; sustainability
University of West London, School of Computing and Technology, Dept. of the Built Environment, St. Mary]s Road, Ealing, London W5 5RF, United Kingdom.

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