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Advances in Environmental Research
  Volume 2, Number 4, December 2013 , pages 279-290

Life cycle greenhouse-gas emissions from urban area with low impact development (LID)
Dongwook Kim, Taehyung Park, Kyounghak Hyun and Woojin Lee

    In this study, a comprehensive model developed to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from urban area with low impact development (LID) and its integrated management practices (IMPs). The model was applied to the actual urban area in Asan Tangjeong district (ATD) as a case study. A rainwater tank (1200 ton) among various LID IMPs generated the highest amount of GHG emissions (3.77
Key Words
    greenhouse gas emission; low impact development; green infrastructure; life cycle assessment; reduction effect; sensitivity analysis
(1) Dongwook Kim, Taehyung Park and Woojin Lee: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea;
(2) Kyounghak Hyun: Korea Land & Housing Corporation Institute, 539 Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-731, Republic of Korea.

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