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Advances in Environmental Research
  Volume 1, Number 2, June 2012 , pages 125-141

Which CDM methodology is the best option? A case study of CDM business on S-Water treatment plant
Daeseung Kyung and Woojin Lee

    Clean development mechanism (CDM) validity study was conducted to suggest better and more adaptable CDM scenario on water treatment plant (WTP). Potential four scenarios for CDM project; improvement of intake pumping efficiency, hydro power plant construction, solar panel construction and system optimization of mechanical mixing process were evaluated on S-WTP in Korea. Net present value (NPV) of each scenario was estimated based on sensitivity analysis with the variable factors to investigate the CDM validity percentile. Hydro power plant construction was the best option for CDM business with 97.76% validity and $1,127,069 mean profit by 9,813 tonsCO2e/yr reduction. CDM validity on improvement of intake pumping efficiency was 90.2% with $124,305 mean profit by huge amount of CO2 mitigation (10,347 tonsCO2e/yr). System optimization of mechanical mixing process reduced 15% of energy consumption (3,184 tonsCO2e/yr) and its CDM validity and mean profit was 77.25% and $23,942, respectively. Solar panel construction could make the effect of 14,094 tonsCO2 mitigation annually and its CDM validity and mean profit was 64.68% and $228,487, respectively.
Key Words
    water treatment plant; CO2 emission and mitigation; CDM business; sensitivity analysis
Daeseung Kyung and Woojin Lee: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Korea

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