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  Volume 8, Number 1, January 2023 , pages 13-36

Cumulative damage in RC frame buildings – The 2017 Mexico earthquake case
Leonardo M. Massone, Diego Aceituno and Julian Carrillo

    The Puebla-Morelos Earthquake (Mw 7.1) occurred in Mexico in 2017 causing 44 buildings to collapse in Mexico City. This work evaluates the non-linear response of a 6-story reinforced concrete (RC) frame prototype model with masonry infill walls on upper floors. The prototype model was designed using provisions prescribed before 1985 and was subjected to seismic excitations recorded during the earthquakes of 1985 and 2017 in different places in Mexico City. The building response was assessed through a damage index (DI) that considers low-cycle fatigue of the steel reinforcement in columns of the first floor, where the steel was modeled including buckling as was observed in cases after the 2017 earthquake. Isocurves were generated with 72 seismic records in Mexico City representing the level of iso-demand on the structure. These isocurves were compared with the location of 16 collapsed (first-floor column failure) building cases consistent with the prototype model. The isocurves for a value greater than 1 demarcate the location where fatigue failure was expected, which is consistent with the location of 2 of the 16 cases studied. However, a slight increase in axial load (5%) or decrease in column cross-section (5%) had a significant detrimental effect on the cumulated damage, increasing the intensity of the isocurves and achieving congruence with 9 of the 16 cases, and having the other 7 cases less than 2 km away. Including column special detailing (tight stirrup spacing and confined concrete) was the variable with the greatest impact to control the cumulated damage, which was consistent with the absence of severe damage in buildings built in the 70s and 80s.
Key Words
    cumulative damage; damage index; frame buildings; infill walls; low-cycle fatigue; Puebla-Morelos earthquake; reinforced concrete buildings; soft-story
Leonardo M. Massone and Diego Aceituno: University of Chile, Blanco Encalada 2002, Santiago, Chile

Julian Carrillo: Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, UMNG, Cra. 11, Bogotá, Colombia

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