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Advances in Concrete Construction
  Volume 9, Number 3, March 2020 , pages 313-326

Effect of geometrical configuration on seismic behavior of GFRP-RC beam-column joints
Shervin K. Ghomi and Ehab El-Salakawy

    Glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars have been introduced as an effective alternative for the conventional steel reinforcement in concrete structures to mitigate the costly consequences of steel corrosion. However, despite the superior performance of these composite materials in terms of corrosion, the effect of replacing steel reinforcement with GFRP on the seismic performance of concrete structures is not fully covered yet. To address some of the key parameters in the seismic behavior of GFRP-reinforced concrete (RC) structures, two full-scale beam-column joints reinforced with GFRP bars and stirrups were constructed and tested under two phases of loading, each simulating a severe ground motion. The objective was to investigate the effect of damage due to earthquakes on the service and ultimate behavior of GFRP-RC moment-resisting frames. The main parameters under investigation were geometrical configuration (interior or exterior beam-column joint) and joint shear stress. The performance of the specimens was measured in terms of lateral load-drift response, energy dissipation, mode of failure and stress distribution. Moreover, the effect of concrete damage due to earthquake loading on the performance of beamcolumn joints under service loading was investigated and a modified damage index was proposed to quantify the magnitude of damage in GFRP-RC beam-column joints under dynamic loading. Test results indicated that the geometrical configuration significantly affects the level of concrete damage and energy dissipation. Moreover, the level of residual damage in GFRP-RC beam-column joints after undergoing lateral displacements was related to reinforcement ratio of the main beams.
Key Words
    GFRP-RC; seismic performance; cyclic loading; beam-column joints; reinforcement ratio; latera load-drift response; interior beam-column joints; exterior beam-columns; damage index
Shervin K. Ghomi and Ehab El-Salakawy: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

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