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Advances in Concrete Construction
  Volume 15, Number 4, April 2023 , pages 287-301

On the dynamics of hockey stick after contacting with the ball
Yue Jia

    Hockey games attracts many fans around the world. This game requires a specific type of ball and a stick for controlling the motion and trace of the ball. This control of motion involves hitting the ball which is a direct intensive dynamic loading. The impact load transferred directly to the hand of the player and in the professional player may cause long term medical problems. Therefore, dynamic motion of the stick should be understood. In the current study, we analyze the dynamic motion of a hockey stick under impact loading from a hockey ball. In doing so, the stick geometry is simplified as a beam structure and quasi-2D relations of displacement is applied along with classical linear elasticity theory for isotropic materials. The governing equations and natural boundary condition are extracted using Hamilton's principle. The final equations in terms of displacement components are solved using Galerkin's numerical method. The results are presented using indentation and contact force values for variations of different parameters.
Key Words
    dynamics; Hamilton's principle; hockey stick; impact loading; various boundary conditions
Physical Education Institute, Institutes of Hulunbuir, Hulunbuir 021008, Inner Mongolia, China.

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