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Advances in Concrete Construction
  Volume 12, Number 6, December 2021 , pages 461-467

Physical and mechanical properties of cement mortar with LLDPE powder and PET fiber wastes
Samir Benimam, Mohamed Bentchikou, Farid Debieb, Said Kenai and Mohamed Guendouz

    Polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) from bottle waste and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) from barrels and tanks waste are widely available and need to be recycled. Recycling them in concrete and mortar is an alternative solution for their disposal. In this study various quantities of sand (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) were substituted by powder from LLDPE waste. In addition, PET waste fibers (corrugated, straight) were added to the mortar with different percentages (0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%) of cement mass. This paper evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of the composites in fresh (workability, air content and density) and hardened state (compressive and flexural strength, water absorption and total shrinkage). From the experimental results, it can be concluded that the strengthening in tensile of the mortar with plastic waste corrugated fibers is improved. Other important results are that the water absorption and the density rate are less than that of the ordinary mortar.
Key Words
    cement mortar; LLDPE powder waste; mechanical properties; PET fibers waste; physical properties
Samir Benimam: Geomaterials Laboratory, University of Blida, Blida 9000, Algeria
Mohamed Bentchikou:LMP2M Laboratory, University of Medea, Medea, 26000, Algeria
Farid Debieb:LME Laboratory, University of Medea, Medea, 26000, Algeria
Said Kenai:Geomaterials Laboratory, University of Blida, Blida 9000, Algeria
Mohamed Guendouz: LME Laboratory, University of Medea, Medea, 26000, Algeria

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