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Advances in Concrete Construction
  Volume 12, Number 3, September 2021 , pages 167-174

Thermal effects on dynamic response of GOP-Reinforced beams under blast load
Wael Najm Abdullah, Basima Salman Khalaf, Ridha A. Ahmed, Raad M. Fenjan and Nadhim M. Faleh

    This article has been devoted to investigate the dynamic response of a graphene oxide powder (GOP) reinforced beam exposed to blast and thermal loads. It is assumed that the blast load has been exerted on the top surface of the beam. The material modeling of GOP-reinforced composite has been performed assuming two types of GOP distribution called uniform and graded in thickness direction. The establishment of the governing equations has been done employing a refined shear deformation beam theory and the consideration of elastic foundation. Finally, the equations have been solved implementing Chebyshev-Ritz method and inverse Laplace transform method. Then, the time history of the beam has been derived and its dependency on GOP percentage, GOP distribution, temperature rise, blast load factor, foundation coefficient band load position.
Key Words
    blast load; concrete beam; dynamic response; graphene oxide powder; thermal effect
Wael Najm Abdullah, Basima Salman Khalaf, Ridha A. Ahmed, Raad M. Fenjan and Nadhim M. Faleh: Engineering Collage, Mustansiriah University, P.O. Box 46049, Bab-Muadum, Baghdad 10001, Iraq

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