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Advances in Concrete Construction
  Volume 1, Number 2, June 2013 , pages 163-185

A unified design procedure for preloaded rectangular RC columns strengthened with post-compressed plates
L. Wang and R.K.L. Su

    The use of post-compressed plates (PCP) to strengthen preloaded reinforced concrete (RC) columns is an innovative approach for alleviating the effects of stress-lagging between the original column and the additional steel plates. Experimental and theoretical studies on PCP-strengthened RC columns have been presented in our companion papers. The results have demonstrated the effectiveness of this technique for improving the strength, deformability and ductility of preloaded RC columns when subjected to axial or eccentric compression loading. An original and comprehensive design procedure is presented in this paper to aid engineers in designing this new type of PCP-strengthened RC column and to ensure proper strengthening details for desirable performance. The proposed design procedure consists of five parts: (1) the estimation of the ultimate load capacity of the trengthened column, (2) the design of the initial pre-camber displacement of the steel plate, (3) the design of the vertical spacing of the bolts, (4) the design of the bearing ends of the steel plates, and (5) the calculation of the tightening force of the bolts. A worked example of the design of a PCP-strengthened RC column is shown to demonstrate the application of the proposed design procedure.
Key Words
    reinforced concrete column; pre-cambered steel plate; axial load capacity; design procedure; worked example
L. Wang: College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing, China
R.K.L. Su: Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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