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Advances in Concrete Construction
  Volume 1, Number 2, June 2013 , pages 151-162

Role of ingredients for high strength and high performance concrete – a review
A.K. Parande

    The performance characteristics of high-strength and high-performance concrete are discussed in this review. Recent developments in the field of high-performance concrete marked a giant step forward in high-tech construction materials with enhanced durability, high compressive strength and high modulus of elasticity particularly for industrial applications. There is a growing awareness that specifications requiring high compressive strength make sense only when there are specific strength design advantages. HPC today employs blended cements that include silica fume, fly ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slag. In typical formulations, these cementitious materials can exceed 25% of the total cement by weight. Silica fume contributes to strength and durability; and fly ash and slag cement to better finish, decreased permeability, and increased resistance to chemical attack. The influences of various mineral admixtures such as fly ash, silica fume, micro silica, slag etc. on the performance of high-strength concrete are discussed.
Key Words
    high performance concrete; high strength concrete; mineral admixtures; curing
A.K. Parande: CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi-630 006, Tamil Nadu, India
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