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Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science
  Volume 6, Number 4, July 2019 , pages 273-282

Analyzing nonlinear vibrations of metal foam nanobeams with symmetric and non-symmetric porosities
Abbas A. Alasadi, Ridha A. Ahmed and Nadhim M. Faleh

    This article is concerned with the investigation of geometrically non-linear vibration response of refined thick porous nanobeams. To this end, non-local theory of elasticity has been adopted to provide the nanobeam formulation. Voids or pores can affect the material characteristics of the nanobeam. So, their effects have been considered in this research and also there are various void distributions. The closed form solution of the non-linear problem has been used that is adopted from previous articles. Then, it is focused on the impacts of non-local field, void distribution, void amount and geometrical properties on non-linear vibrational characteristic of a nano-size beam.
Key Words
    non-linear vibration; refined beam theory; metal nanobeam; nonlocal elasticity
Abbas A. Alasadi, Ridha A. Ahmed and Nadhim M. Faleh: Al-Mustansiriah University, Engineering College P.O. Box 46049, Bab-Muadum, Baghdad 10001, Iraq

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