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Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science
  Volume 4, Number 5, September 2017 , pages 573-583

Water diffusion in RTM textile composites for aircraft applications
Aline Simar, Marco Gigliotti, Jean-Claude Grandidier and Isabelle Ammar-Khodja

    This paper presents a first step towards the understanding of water diffusion in RTM textile composite materials for aircraft applications and focuses on the development of experimental and numerical approaches to characterize the diffusion kinetics within the material. The method consists in making samples which are representative of the materials architecture and carrying out gravimetric tests on such samples. Analysis of results with the aid of a diffusion model reconstructing the architecture of the samples helps identifying the diffusion behaviour of the material.
Key Words
    organic matrix composites; hygrothermal ageing; textile composites; thermosetting resins; RTM
Marco Gigliotti and Jean-Claude Grandidier: Institut PPRIME, University of Poitiers–CNRS–ISAE-ENSMA, Department of Physics and Mechanics of Materials 1, Avenue Clément Ader 86961, Futuroscope-Chasseneuil Cedex, France
Aline Simar and Isabelle Ammar-Khodja: SAFRAN Nacelles, Route du Pont VIII, 76700, Gonfreville l\'Orcher, France

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