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Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science
  Volume 3, Number 2, April 2016 , pages 211-244

Nonlinear model based particle swarm optimization of PID shimmy damping control
Andrea Alaimo, Alberto Milazzo and Calogero Orlando

    The present study aims to investigate the shimmy stability behavior of a single wheeled nose landing gear system. The system is supposed to be equipped with an electromechanical actuator capable to control the shimmy vibrations. A Proportional-Integrative-Derivative (PID) controller, tuned by using the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) procedure, is here proposed to actively damp the shimmy vibration. Time-history results for some test cases are reported and commented. Stochastic analysis is last presented to assess the robustness of the control system.
Key Words
    nose landing gear; shimmy vibration; active control
Andrea Alaimo: Universita di Enna \"Kore\", Cittadella Universitaria 94100, Enna, Italy
Alberto Milazzo: Universita di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 8, 90128 Palermo, Italy
Calogero Orlando: Universita di Enna \"Kore\", Cittadella Universitaria 94100, Enna, Italy

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