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Volume 77, Number 4, February25 2021

Reinforced concrete (RC) columns are crucial in building structures and they are of higher vulnerability to terrorist threat than any other structural elements. Thus it is of great interest and necessity to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the possible responses of RC columns when exposed to high intensive blast loads. The primary objective of this study is to derive analytical formulas to assess vulnerability of RC columns using an advanced numerical modelling approach. This investigation is necessary as the effect of blast loads would be minimal to the RC structure if the explosive charge is located at the safe standoff distance from the main columns in the building and therefore minimizes the chance of disastrous collapse of the RC columns. In the current research, finite element model is developed for RC columns using LS-DYNA program that includes a comprehensive discussion of the material models, element formulation, boundary condition and loading methods. Numerical model is validated to aid in the study of RC column testing against the explosion field test results. Residual capacity of RC column is selected as damage criteria. Intensive investigations using Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) methodology are then implemented to evaluate the influence of scaled distance, column dimension, concrete and steel reinforcement properties and axial load index on the vulnerability of RC columns. The generated empirical formulae can be used by the designers to predict a damage degree of new column design when consider explosive loads. With an extensive knowledge on the vulnerability assessment of RC structures under blast explosion, advancement to the convention design of structural elements can be achieved to improve the column survivability, while reducing the lethality of explosive attack and in turn providing a safer environment for the public.

Key Words
RC column; damage degree; ALE method; blast loading; vulnerability assessment

Masoud Abedini and Chunwei Zhang: School of Civil Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033, China

Fully rigid floor diaphragm is one of the main assumptions that are widely used in common practices due to its simple application. However, determining the exact degree of diaphragms flexibility cannot be easily accomplished without finite element modeling, which is an expensive and time-consuming procedure. Therefore, it is always possible that apparently rigid diaphragms, based on prescriptive limitations of seismic codes, experience some degrees of flexibility during the earthquakes. Since diaphragm flexibility has more uncertainties in asymmetric-plan structures, this study focuses on errors resulting from probable floor diaphragm flexibility of torsionally restrained structures. The analytical models used in this study were single-story buildings with asymmetric plan and RC shear walls. Although floor system is not considered explicitly, a wide range of considered diaphragm flexibility, from fully rigid to quite flexible, allows the results to be generalizable to a lot of lateral load resisting systems as well as floor systems. It has been shown that in addition to previously known effects of diaphragm flexibility, presence of orthogonal side elements during design procedure with rigid diaphragm assumption and rapid reduction in their absorbed forces can also be an important source to increase errors due to flexibility. Accordingly, from the obtained results the authors suggest designers to consider the possibility of diaphragm flexibility and its adverse effects, especially in torsionally restrained systems in their common designs.

Key Words
flexible diaphragm; asymmetric-plan; torsionally restrained; nonlinear analysis; plan aspect ratios

Hamed Eivani: Department of Civil Engineering, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
Abdolreza S. Moghadam: International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, (IIEES), Tehran, Iran

The propagation of plane waves in a linear, homogeneous and isotropic nonlocal generalized thermoelastic solid medium is considered in the framework of Lord and Shulman generalization. The governing field equations are formulated and specialized in a plane. Plane wave solutions of governing equations show that there exists three plane waves, namely, P, thermal and SV waves which propagate with distinct speeds. Reflection of P and SV waves from thermally insulated or isothermal boundary of a half-space is considered. The relevant boundary conditions are applied at stress free boundary and a nonhomogeneous system of three equations in reflection coefficients is obtained. For incidence of both P and SV waves, the expressions for energy ratios of reflected P, thermal and SV waves are also obtained. The speeds and energy ratios of reflected waves are computed for relevant physical constants of a thermoelastic material. The speeds of plane waves are plotted against nonlocal parameter and frequency. The energy ratios of reflected waves are also plotted against the angle of incidence of P wave at a thermally insulated stress-free surface. The effect of nonlocal parameter is shown graphically on the speeds and energy ratios of reflected waves.

Key Words
nonlocal parameter; generalized thermoelasticity; plane waves; reflection; energy ratios

Baljeet Singh: Department of Mathematics, Post Graduate Government College, Sector-11, Chandigarh 160011, India
Rupender Bijarnia: Department of Mathematics, Government College, Bhuna 125111, Haryana, India

Low rise masonry structures are relatively inexpensive and easier to construct compared to other types of structures such as steel and reinforced concrete buildings. However, masonry structures are relatively heavier and less ductile and more vulnerable to damages in earthquakes. In this research, a new innovative low-cost seismic isolator using steel rings (SISR) is employed to reduce the seismic vulnerability of masonry structures. FEA of a masonry structure, made of concrete blocks is used to evaluate the effect of the proposed SISR on the seismic response of the structure. Two systems, fixed base and isolated from the base with the proposed SISRs, are considered. Micro-element approach and ABAQUS software are used for structural modeling. The nonlinear structural parameters of the SISRs, extracted from a recent experimental study by the authors, are used in numerical modeling. The masonry structure is studied in two separate modes, fixed base and isolated base with the proposed SISRs, under Erzincan and Imperial Valley-06 earthquakes. The accelerated response at the roof level, as well as the deformation in the masonry walls, are the parameters to assess the effect of the proposed SISRs. The results show a highly improved performance of the masonry structure with the SISRs.

Key Words
seismic isolator; masonry structure; damped nonlinear spring; nonlinear dynamic analysis; micro-element approach

Habibollah Kakolvand, Mohammad Ghazi, Behnam Mehrparvar: Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran 14687-63785, Iran
Soroush Parvizi: Department of Materials Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University (SRTTU), Tehran 16788-15811, Iran

This study devises a novel approach, namely quadruple 1D convolutional neural network, for detecting connection stiffness reduction in steel truss bridge structure using experimental and numerical modal data. The method is developed based on expertise in two domains: firstly, in Structural Health Monitoring, the mode shapes and its high-order derivatives, including second, third, and fourth derivatives, are accurate indicators in assessing damages. Secondly, in the Machine Learning literature, the deep convolutional neural networks are able to extract relevant features from input data, then perform classification tasks with high accuracy and reduced time complexity. The efficacy and effectiveness of the present method are supported through an extensive case study with the railway Nam O bridge. It delivers highly accurate results in assessing damage localization and damage severity for single as well as multiple damage scenarios. In addition, the robustness of this method is tested with the presence of white noise reflecting unavoidable uncertainties in signal processing and modeling in reality. The proposed approach is able to provide stable results with data corrupted by noise up to 10%.

Key Words
structural monitoring; machine learning; steel truss bridge; vibration; numerical simulation; damage detection and localization; convolutional neural networks

Hung V. Dang: Faculty of Science and Technology, Middlesex University, London, UK; Faculty of Building and Industrial Construction, National University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam
Mohsin Raza: Faculty of Science and Technology, Middlesex University, London, UK
H. Tran-Ngoc: Department of Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam; Department of Electrical Energy, Metals, Mechanical Constructions, and Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University, Belgium
T. Bui-Tien: Department of Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam
Huan X. Nguyen: Faculty of Science and Technology, Middlesex University, London, UK

The neighbouring gaps at the mortise-tenon joint in traditional timber structure, which leads to the complexity of the joint, are considered to impair the mechanical performance of the joint. In this paper, numerical simulation of loose joint was conducted to examine the deformation states, stress distributions, and bearing capacities, which was verified by full-scale test. On the basis of the experimental and numerical results, a simplified mechanics model with gaps has been proposed to present the bending capacity of the loose joint. Besides, the gap effects and parameter studies on the influences of tenon height, friction coefficient, elastic modulus and axial load were also investigated. As a result, the estimated relationship between moment and rotation angle of loose joint showed the agreement with the numerical results, demonstrating validity of the proposed model; The bending bearing capacity and rotational stiffness of loose joint had a certain drop with the increasing of gaps; and the tenon height may be the most important factor affecting the mechanical behaviors of the joint when it is subjected to repeated load; Research results can provide important references on the condition assessments of the existing mortise-tenon joint.

Key Words
traditional Chinese timber structure; mortise-tenon joint; neighbouring gap; mechanical behavior; finite element model

Jun-xiao He: Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Urban Design, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China
Juan Wang: School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; Beijing's Key Laboratory of Structural Wind Engineering and Urban Wind Environment, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
Qing-shan Yang: School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China; School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
Miao Han: Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Urban Design, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China
Yang Deng: Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Urban Design, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China

The present study investigates the lateral torsional buckling behaviour of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) simply supported channel beams subjected to uniform bending about their major axis. A parametric study by varying the sectional geometry and span of channel beams is carried out by using ABAQUS software. The accuracy of the FE models was ensured by verifying them against the available results provided in the literature. The effect of geometric nonlinearity, geometric imperfections, and the dependency of finite element mesh on the lateral torsional buckling were carefully considered in the FE model. Lateral torsional buckling (LTB) strengths obtained from the numerical study were compared with the theoretical LTB strengths obtained based on the Eurocode 3 approach for steel sections. The comparison between the numerical strengths and the design procedure proposed in the literature based on Eurocode 3 approach revealed disagreements. Therefore, a simplified improved design procedure is proposed for the safe design strength prediction of pultruded GFRP channel beams. The proposed equation has been provided that might aid the structural engineers in economically designing the pultruded GFRP channel beams in the future.

Key Words
channel beams; fiber reinforced polymer composites; glass fiber; lateral-torsional buckling; numerical analysis; pultruded profile

M. Kasiviswanathan: Department of Civil Engineering, Sona College of Technology, Salem 636005, Tamil Nadu, India
M. Anbarasu: Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Salem 636011, Tamil Nadu, India

This paper concerns with free torsional vibration analysis of size dependent circular nanobars with von kármán type nonlinearity. Although review of the literature suggests several studies employing nonlocal elasticity theory to investigate linear torsional behavior, linear/nonlinear transverse vibration and buckling of the nanoscale structures, so far, no study on the nonlinear torsional behavior of the nanobars, considering the size effect, has been reported. This study employs nonlocal elasticity theory along with a variational approach to derive nonlinear equation of motion of the nanobar. Then, the nonlinear equation is solved using the elliptic functions to extract the natural frequencies of the structure under fixed-fixed and fixed-free end conditions. Finally, the natural frequencies of the nanobar under different nanobar lengths, diameters, nonlocal parameters, and amplitudes of vibration are reported to illustrate the effect of these parameters on the vibration characteristics of the nanobars. In addition, the phase plane diagrams of the nanobar for various cases are reported.

Key Words
nonlinear analysis; torsional vibration; nanobar; small scale effect; elliptic functions

Reza Nazemnezhad, Mohaddese Rabiei, Pouyan Shafa'at: School of Engineering, Damghan University, 36715-364 Damghan, Iran
Mehdi Eshaghi: Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 Boulevard de Maisonneuve O, Montréal, Quebec, H3G 1M8, Canada

In this study, it is aimed to analyze the bending of porous sandwich plates using the four-variable shear deformation theory. The core of the sandwich plate is assumed to be functionally graded, and face sheets are assumed to be isotropic. The pore distribution of the sandwich plate is considered even and uneven type of porosity distribution. Displacement fields are defined with four variable shear deformation theory. Equilibrium equations of porous sandwich plates are derived from virtual displacement principle. An analytical solution is obtained by Navier's approach. Results are presented for uniformly and sinusoidally distributed loaded porous sandwich plates. Face sheet -core thickness ratio, porosity distribution, amount of porosity is investigated.

Key Words
porous; sandwich plate; functionally graded; bending; Navier

Vedat Taskin and Pinar Aydan Demirhan: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey

This study was conducted to investigate the residual bearing capacity of steel-concrete composite beams under highcycle fatigue loading through experiments and theoretical analysis. Six test beams with stud connectors were designed and fabricated for static, complete fatigue, and partial fatigue tests. The failure modes and the degradation of several mechanical performance indicators of the composite beams under high-cycle fatigue loading were analyzed. A calculation method for the residual bearing capacity of the composite beams after certain quantities of cyclic loading cycles was established by introducing nonlinear fatigue damage models for concrete, steel beam, and shear connectors beginning with the material residual strength attenuation process. The results show that the failure mode of the composite beams under the given fatigue load appears to be primarily affected by the number of cycles. As the number of fatigue loadings increases, the failure mode transforms from midspan concrete crushing to stud cutting. The bearing capacity of a 3.0-m span composite beam after two million fatigue cycles is degraded by 30.7% due to premature failure of the stud. The calculated values of the residual bearing capacity method of the composite beam established in this paper agree well with the test values, which indicates that the model is feasibly applicable.

Key Words
steel-concrete composite beam; fatigue damage; residual bearing capacity; stud connector; experimental test

Bing Wang: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China; National Engineering and Research Center for Mountainous Highways, Chongqing, China; Chongqing WanQiao Communication-Tech Co., Ltd, Chongqing, China
Xiaoling Liu: Faculty of Maritime and Transportation, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China
Ping Zhuge: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China

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